Allow me to reintroduce myself...

I have no idea whats about to happen with this blog. Well, I know where i'm going to start, I have no idea where its gonna end... follow along as I figure it out

This is a virtual diary. I'm no expert on anything. This is about my journey into the best version of me. (oooh! that sounded kinda poet-y!!) Feel free to share tips and suggestions but PLEASE keep your judgments to yourself. Thanks for your support! :o)

Sunday, October 28, 2012

So what? or So, now what?

So, I’m messy. A friend called it junky but I rebuke that adjective in the name of all things organized…with labels…on shelves ( -_-). So, as I sit here and ponder over the slight embarrassment, I wonder, “is this one of those traits that i’m supposed to own unapologetically (f*** yeah i’m messy, I own a lot of cool shit!) or is this one of those things I should work on to be the best version of me?

Owning it- I really do have alot of cool shit. much of it is clothes that I’ve amassed over the past 10+ years of being the same size with a ridiculous passion for fashion and a clearance/thrift addiction. Becoming a professional 5 years ago, “required” that I doubled my wardrobe. So, I now have a walk-in closet, a dresser, a chest of drawers, and a night stand…filled to the brims…with clothes. Oh, and 3 places that store 10-30 pairs of shoes each. s…m…h… btw, I’ve donated 4 trashbags worth of clothes in the past year. *sigh*

Aside from that there are at least 5 boxes of “stuff” ranging from decor to paper to vintage purses that I need to go through. However, I’m a busy person, those boxes will be there. I’m out being awesome. Besides, they were supposed to go in my other walk-in closet but since I have an unexpected yet wonderfully cool ass roommate, I let her have the closet.

Many things I own get used a few times before they are discarded. Example: decor I haven’t used since ‘08 made a great addition to the shelves I created and installed. *pats self on back*

Changing it- I’ve hired an organizer. Twi…well technically 3 times. Organizing my own shit is not something i’m good at. I have issues getting rid of things because i find something that triggers a memory or inspires something and my ADD comes out to play OR I’ll find a reason to keep it. Before you become an ass by labeling me a hoarder, I’m very resourceful. I have a strong history of being able to take what I have and figuring out a way to make it work for something else. (see above example).

One thing that clouds my creativity is clutter and confusion. This is the best reason that I can think of for changing this aspect of my personality. Increasing productivity is good anyway you look at it. As busy as I am working 10 hours a day, graduate classes, mentoring, and having a small piece of a social life, I really don’t wanna waste my time cleaning up every time I have a big project due or when I’m having guests over.

So, what I decided, which was actually my sole purpose for writing this out is to do both. Yes, I own alot of cool shit. Yes, I need it organized better. No I don’t like shopping for storage or marathon cleaning sessions. Yes, I need help. Yes. I’m still awesome, which I will own until the day I die.

Update: I'm now down to 3 boxes instead of 5. Told you I was awesome. ;-)

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